About Us

We are working to take care of the Chechen culture

Our mission

Take care of the Chechen culture

CYCC’s mission is to take care of the Chechen culture and history of young people at the international level, as well as to properly integrate into the surrounding society. And CYCC will work for our next generation outside our country, so that they do not forget our history and culture.

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Our Vision

We’ve funded 10+ charity projects for people in Kaukasus

Healthy Food For Poor People

Pure Education For Every Youth

Cultural events for everyone

About us

CHECHEN YOUTHS COORDINATION COMMITTEE (CYCC). Committee is the main organ for all Chechen youth’s association in the world.

CYCC consists of an international superstructure with national organizations. CYCC shall be umbrella association compared to national organizations.

• National organization should continue to be independent organizations.
• Any national organization should have its own annual plan and CYCC should have joint annual program that applies to all organizations.

• CYCC shall safeguard and promote the interests of cultural, sporting, linguistic, professional and social character for all youth with Chechen background in each the simplest countries, where they present CYCC.

• CYCC will contribute to the development of the Chechen community and increase interest in education for people with Chechen background.

Our Team

Our team consists of 18 young volunteers who aim to safeguard and promote the interests of cultural, sporting, linguistic, professional and social character for all youth with Chechen background

Beckhan Saiew


Selina Musajeva

Information Director

Rakhman Taramov

Security Director & Ambassador of Canada

Alihan Sulaev

Acting Ambassador of Sweden

Isa Izaev

Ambassador of Denmark

Mohamed Çeçen

Ambassador of Syriea in Exile

Liana Sadulaeva


Fariza Dzorthova

Policy Director

Luiza Almazova

Ambassador of Spain

Ahmad Alshishani

Middel East Director&Ambassador of Jordan

Liana Scharschaeva

Ambassador of Austria

Roustam Karouev

Ambassador of Netherlands & Belgium

Saida Achmaeva

Amd Director & Ambassador of Germany

Kheda Gilkhaeva

Charity Director & Ambassador of France

Taylan Han

Ambassador of Turkey

Ramzan Georgishivil

Ambassador of Georgia

Shamil Khumparov

Ambassador of Norway

Mariam Khamidova

Ambassador of USA

Our Journey

A Brief about our History

We were build a Strong team for:

We prevents and alleviates human suffering in the face of emergencies by mobilizing the power of volunteers and donors areis fighting every minute of every day to finish what we started and achieve our vision to advance world.

Why Choose Us

Why Donate with us

We prevents and alleviates human suffering in the face of emergencies by mobilizing the power of volunteers and donors. We are is fighting every minute of every day to finish what we started and achieve our vision to advance.

Zero Commisions

Worldwide Helpers

Strong team of Volunteers